Radhe Movie Actress Disha Patani Latest Interview 2021

 see i'm only answering because i have to

answer it's not like i want to do this

guys so i want to really like specify

yeah like i really want to like specify

that that it's not something that i

would do but because she's forcing me to

choose one no one's judging you

she's forcing me to choose one so i'm

choosing one take it seriously though


hi again guys i'm here with disha patni

and now we're gonna play a game of would

you rather with her and ask give her a

bunch of scenarios

and get her to pick one

so let's go would you rather be forced

she already knew it like okay no but

okay let's go would you rather be forced

to wear wet underwear for the rest

of your life or be allowed to shower

just once a year

okay i feel wet is too much so

shower once a year

i can't wear

that's true that is true would you

rather give up makeup for a year or sexf fora month

i don't wear makeup so much so i think

they make up

would you rather only be able to whisper

everything or only be able to shout


whisper would you rather wear a drab

outfit to the airport or attend a red

carpet without getting your hair done

airport anytime what is the thing with

airport looks do you have a full

wardrobe full of airport

keeping it easy i have this one pair of

jeans and this shoe that i always always


and you'll always see me wearing these

shoes and this one torn jeans i have

that i

love because it's so comfy and one

t-shirt and like

i feel too cold like i can't stand so i

go like i'm going to some antarctica or

somewhere so i

put like so many jackets on top and then

i have like some muffler or something

and then i sleep like i'm some like

panda bear or something

yeah so i don't have any look i'm not

that cool

she's very cool but she's just like us

normal people okay would you rather find

true love or win the lottery

true love very difficult

money will come okay would you rather

wear somebody else's underwear or use

somebody else's toothbrush

toothbrush would you rather never have

internet access

or never be able to talk on the phone


very difficult actually uh internet i

think i don't want internet no no no

no no internet no i don't want it in it

i want to talk on phone

yeah there's more so you survive without

instagram and snapchat and everything

i lost my team they're standing there

they'll do it for me

uh would you rather accidentally send a

questionable photo to an ex

or to your parents

family never go there so x is fine

would you rather give boring interviews

for the entire day

or be forced to be on social media for a


uh just like insta and all of that yeah

yeah social media

yeah would you rather be itchy for the

rest of your life or be sticky for the

rest of your life

see i'm only answering because i have to

answer it's not like i want to do this

guys so i want to really like specify

yeah like i really want to like specify

that that it's not something that i

would do but because she's forcing me to

choose one no one's judging you

she's forcing me to choose one so i'm

choosing one so i would rather be

sticky sticky yeah

yeah 18 no it's too much gives you

lashes and

would you rather know when you're going

to die or how you're going to die

when when when when how i don't want to

know because then

i can if i know actually i can always

like take precautions and

not die i want to die i don't want to be


200 years old so well yeah

well thank you i think you fed a lot

better than this one

yeah it was like not just about one

thing so yeah i tried my best

it was so lovely to have you here so

thanks for speaking with us

hope you enjoyed that seriously though


she wasn't lying thank you bye
